Laboratory for Ocean Environmental Pollution Prevention and Remediation

Location E11-G020
Academic Staff in charge           Prof. Jie XU, Prof. Tianwei HAO, Prof. Yongjie LI, Prof. Ping ZHANG


The Laboratory for Ocean Environmental Pollution Prevention and Remediation


Gas Endeavour – Automatic Gas flow Measuring System
Accurately determine the production or consumption of gas in the process of microbial fermentation, and the biological respiration rate.

Analyze the surface potential and hydraulic particle size of liquids/suspensions.

Fluorescence Microscope (FM)
Investigate the absorption and transportation of substances in organism/cells, the distribution of chemical substances, etc.

Automatic Spiral Dilution Inoculator
Used for bacterial sample dilution and automatic inoculation.

Microwave Digestion System
Digest samples to facilitate subsequent measurements.

Freeze Dryer
Reduce the deactivation of substances (e.g., proteins).